Rudra: Boom Chuck Chuck Boom, or Straight Rudra is an Indian animated television series developed for Nickelodeon by Green Gold animation. It premiered on June 11, 2018 on Nickelodeon. The show is about a nine year old boy who is learning to use his real powers. The show was launched simultaneously in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam and Marathi in eight Indian languages. The director is Akshay Sanjeev Chavan and the animation director is Rishi Chadha and Samat Dye.

The story is about a 9-year-old magician named Rudra, who lives with her grandfather Jai Singh Chauhan in the magical city of San Dad. The series revolves around Rudra and every day he learns new magic from his best friends Maira and Varun Rudra's grandfather and uses this magic to defeat the magician Shakal and his dignitaries who make Rudra his real There is always trouble in the city to stop the use of force. Ruder is the hero of Sun City.

The series begins in the unreal magical cities of Sun City and Call City. Sun City is a happy little peaceful town full of joy and kind people. It has a fun festival full of laughter, a bustling bazaar, beautiful magical looking houses, a gigantic library and a large fort of Jai Singh Chauhan overlooking all this. Call City, on the other hand, is the dark side of the city. It is ruled by Shakal and the people there are often unhappy with the burden of robbers and wrongdoing in the city. Between the two cities is a large stadium where city children often compete in a flying soccer game.

Rudra Singh Chauhan: The true successor of Jai Singh's powers and kingdom, Rudra is a gentle and intelligent 9-year-old boy who is finally seen as the brave patron of Sun City. Extremely hardworking and always trying to find out what his grandfather taught him. A true friend and an ideal grandfather's grandson.
Jai Singh Chauhan: He is the beloved grandfather of Sun City and Rudra. Not only does he want to raise his grandson as a good man, but he also wants to make him the successor and protector of Sun City. He wants to pass on his ancient magical knowledge to his grandson because he sees Rudra as his most capable successor. He is the guardian of this town and the whole town is affectionately called "Grandpa".
Shawwal (Villain): Shawwal is the ruler of Kal city and he always wanted to capture Sun City. He is one of the enemies of Jai Singh Chauhan and Rudra. None of the people in Call City were like that. But whenever he is in trouble, he seeks Rudra's help.
Varun: Varun is one of Ruder's best friends. He is the same age as Rudra. He is a loyal friend and always has his back. He is often the victim of Maira's magic, which is misunderstood.
Maira: Maira is Rudra's best friend and has a great crush on Rudra. Maira is a brave, strong and determined girl. She also sacrifices her life for her friends, especially for Rudra. Although he is brave and always anxious to help, his magic always lags behind and bothers Rudra and Varun. But she never gives up on helping her friends.
Zoga: Shakal's right-handed man, he is a comedian and his back is behind him.
Rangeela: Rangeela is Jai Singh's loyal chicken and domestic help. He is an optimistic magician who is not so powerful. He wants to learn magic from Jai Singh but Jai Singh does not believe him to be ready and strong. In an attempt to learn, he secretly tries to imitate the sorcerer and learn tricks, but the spells fall behind.
Chung Li: Chung Li is the chef and main guard of Sun City Palace.
Sapola: Sapola is a shackle snake but disguised as a shackle wood crew. He can fly when needed and he does all the work that Shakal has entrusted to him. He is a spy of Shakal.
Shakilina: She is Shakil's sister.
Judy: He's Shakilina's son.
Jenny: She's Shakilina's daughter.
Zim and Zim: Zim and Zum are Ruder's pet squirrels. They can talk and have the power to control natural plants.
Al-Azar Sir: Al-Azar Sir is the wizard librarian of the Magic Books Library. He is a very wise man and gives Ruder information about magic books.
Sandy: Sandy is the friend of Jenny and Judy and their side bubble is troubled.
San Majestico: San Majestico is the king and judge of all magicians. He can punish all sorcerers for wrongdoing.
Wizard Maniura: Maniura is a magician who makes all objects and the city smaller in size.
Bubble and Trouble: Bubble and Trouble are twins who cause trouble but their efforts fail in the race. They follow Sandy's instructions.


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